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What's waking you up at night? Pt 2

Updated: Jul 16, 2022

Time of Day Meaning

Physical pain can be very uncomfortable, and sometimes one can be asymptomatic, which means that they are experiencing mild to no symptoms of any underlying conditions.

Meanwhile their organs are affected by the internal turmoil and are aggravated causing your body to awake from your sleep. The time of when the body awakes, correlates to different physical conditions.

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM


The Pericardium is a muscle surrounding the heart, it provides insulation for the heart, and regulates circulation in the major vessels going to and from the heart. The Pericardium is a muscle that serves as a bodyguard to the heart. It guards the heart from everyday traumas, fluctuation, and shock stimuli, making it the first to absorb any stress that was intended for the heart. This muscle rules self-expression, boundaries, and vulnerability. Some of the symptoms is hypervigilance, phobias, nausea, vertigo, or fears.

Balanced Emotions: Joy, Confidence, Openness, Self-Acceptance

Imbalanced: Mania, Despair, Fear of Expression and Intimacy

9:00 Spiritual Meaning

9:00 PM | Mind | Struggling to Find Joy

This is a time where your emotions are taking over your mind. You're struggling with emotional baggage that is causing you to abandon your own self. You're building walls to protect your heart, and you're blocking yourself off to being open to love. Find the harmony within you and find the beat to your heart. Learn to dance to the Rythm of your own heart. Self-care routines will improve your state of mind, show yourself some self-love.

9:00 PM | Spirit | In Need of Healing

This is a time for you to let your guard down. Be vulnerable in your feelings. Allow yourself to feel the present, the good, the bad, the ugly. Express your emotions. Cry if you have to. Take it all in, and then release it. In numerology, the number 9 represents truth, soul, and foundations. In Kabbalah, the heart is recognized as the soul. Let your heart feel, let it breathe, let it live. Give it oxygen. Open yourself up to the giving energy of love. You are love, and it is within you. Trust that it is around you.

9:00 PM - 11:00 PM

Hormones and Metabolism

If you struggle to switch off in the first place, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) would place the blame with stress. They suggest trying to find the root cause of what's making you restless. Inability to sleep at this time could also be down to endocrine imbalances such as thyroid or metabolism.

Holistic Healing, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Nutrition plays a big part in hormonal balance and metabolism. Holistic medicine uniquely focuses on each individual body separately instead of assuming we are all alike. a good place to start holistically is to seek out a practitioner such as one that does muscle testing, kinesiology, to help guide you in your journey to better health and better sleep.

Hormonal Balance plays a pivotal role in our overall health. Body, Mind, Spirit will all go out of whack if our hormones are not well balanced, if our physical self is not well balanced. It can mess with our moods, sleep, stress, weight, hygiene, metabolism, spiritual journey, energy, eating habits, and much more. It is important to treat our physical self with as much care, and love as we do our spiritual self. Being balanced physically allows us to be aligned spiritually. If our root Chakra is not balanced, the rest of the Chakras tend to follow. Consider your physical vessel as the Root Chakra and ground it in care and health. Movements, Yoga, and mild exercise will improve your health significantly.

Balanced Emotions: Discernment, Friendliness, Cooperative

Imbalanced: Suspicion, Guilt, Stubbornness, Confusion, Dogmatic

11:00 PM - 1:00 AM

Circulation (Heart and/or Gallbladder)

If you find yourself waking up around this time, you may be experiencing issues with circulation, specifically related to the heart or your gallbladder. The Gallbladder excretes bile to assist in digestion. Energetically, the Gallbladder is in charge of judgement and decision-making. Therefore, being sound asleep during this time is crucial for healthy cognitive functioning and cellular repair.

Balanced Emotions: Optimism, Initiative, Courage, Assertive, Committed

Imbalanced: Cynicism, Bitterness, Timidity, Indecisive, Procrastination

1:00 AM | Mind | Struggling with Appearance and Finding your Place in Life

Why am I waking up at 1:00 AM?

You're struggling to find you place in this world or to find safe place. You struggling to find your footing. Your worried about how to move forward. This can be a result of lack of confidence, you're struggling with self-image, weight issues, or overall appearance. If this resonates, it may be your gallbladder's fault.

1:00 AM | Spirit | In Need of Energy

Similarly, to 4:00 a.m., you are exhausting your energy. You're giving more than you're receiving. This unbalanced energy of giving is depleting you. Perhaps, you feel unworthy, or you're resisting the flow (the circulation of life) of equal give and take. But this may also stem from lack of confidence or lack of self-worth that is causing you to question your own happiness, your own joy. You're relying on other's approval of you to help you get you through this hurdle, but you need to learn how to make yourself happy. Giving and making others happy with the intention that they love you for it, is low vibrational energy and doesn't pay off causing you to drain your own energy leaving you empty and unfulfilled.

1:00 AM - 3:00 AM

Digestion, Small Intestines, Liver

You may be experiencing issues with digestion, relating to either your small intestine or your liver. You may be eating or drinking too much or too little.

If you're irritable, frustrated and angry, it may indicate an imbalance of the liver. The Liver is responsible for filtering blood and processing nutrients and chemicals that your body consumes from your food and environments. The liver also regulates sexual hormones, thyroid, and adrenal hormones. The Liver is the largest organ in the body and ensures the smooth circulation of qi and blood. Energetically, the liver is our body's Commander, it thrives on planning, organizing and structure. Because of the Liver's role to clear things, resting during this time is pivotal for a healthy flow of qi preventing the Liver from becoming overworked and stagnant. TCM states that the Liver is emotionally connected to anger, so to regularly wake at this time could indicate that you may have repressed anger or long-standing resentment towards something or someone.

Symptoms of liver imbalance could also include irregular menstruation in women, anemia, chronic fatigue, and headaches.

Balanced Emotions: Inspiration, Clear Vision, Diligence, Faith

Imbalanced: Anger, Frustration, Irritability, Resentment, Feeling Stuck

Energy Pockets, 2AM

2:00 AM | Mind | Releasing Old Beliefs

You are getting stuck in old beliefs that are no longer serving you. You need to remove these limiting beliefs and ideas that you have about yourself or life. This may be a programming of early childhood, or something that you've picked up along your journey. Re-learn or unlearn how to process information. Allow yourself to properly recognize and learn the lessons you were given.

2:00 AM | Spirit | Unresolved Energy Pockets

Unresolved energy pockets refer to the energies you've picked up in your childhood or early adolescent years that you were unable to fully process or understand. Your inability to comprehend the surrounding energies at that time has caused your psyche to store the memory but not the message which is causing you to be resistant or being avoidant to current situations or circumstances. These inner-child wounds are resurfacing on a subconscious level, that is impacting you in your day to day.

3:00 AM - 5:00 AM

Lungs and Bladder, Perspiration

When we think of lungs, we think of the exchange of oxygen and breath. The Lungs regulate breathing, distribute oxygen to the blood, and govern the immune system. The Lungs also control sweat glands giving our body the ability to detox. Naturally, if you're struggling with your lungs, you may be having trouble breathing or taking deep breaths and relaxing. Lungs are emotionally associated with grief. To wake between the hours of 3 and 5 am, may suggest that you're struggling with grief and sorrow. The Lungs govern our voice, and sense of smell. Energetically, they relate to communication, receiving, releasing, and protection. Resting during this time is crucial to avoid imbalances from your lungs which would show itself in the form of wheezing, coughing, asthma, or constantly getting sick.

4:00 AM may indicate that you may be having issues with your bladder, or perspiration. This is the time at which your body temperature is lowest, so it is also possible that you are too hot or too cold during this time of night.

Balanced Emotions: Acceptance, Surrender, Clarity

Imbalanced: Grief, Sadness, Nostalgia

Spiritual Communication, Witching Hour

3:00 AM | Mind | In Need of Guidance

You are in need of guidance and direction. You are at the beginning stages of a spiritual awakening, and a lot this energy is still unfamiliar to you. 3:00 is also known for the Witching Hour and waking up at this time could lead you to gain more information that you need to progress.

3:00 AM | Spirit | Energetic Communication

It is believed that 3 a.m. is the time during which the veil between dimensions is at its lowest. When you awake you may realize that you're receiving spiritual downloads. Perhaps, your intuition is guiding you, your ancestors, your ascended masters, your angels, etc. It's like you're receiving clarity to questions. In numerology, the number 3 connects to your spiritual self, and the communication with spiritual realms, so perhaps, during this hour you are communicating with different spiritual energies. In addition, being represented by the Lungs, this is a clear indicator of the throat Chakra coming through with communication. Your body is physically waking itself up to the energies that are occurring around you in the physical realm from the spiritual realm. If you do wake up at this time, any downloads, messages, epiphanies, or ideas that you receive, it would be wise for you to write them down and return to rest.

4:00 AM | Mind | In Need of Balance

Emotionally, you may be draining yourself, or coming close to burnout. The number 4 relates to the home, and balance which suggests that your personal life may be a bit overwhelming, or you may be

Spiritual Ascension, 4AM, 4:00, Spiritual Balance, Waking up at 4

stretching yourself too thin. Trust in the Universe and the process. Find balance in all areas of your life and avoid self-doubt. The Universe provides, make room for what it is willing to give, let the energy of this time help you find the meaning of balance and duality.

4:00 AM | Spirit | Spiritual Ascension

Spiritually, this hour is highly connected to the Four Worlds, and is also represented of the Four Souls. This is a period of ascending and rising. This is a time of embracing the new and letting go of the past. Be open to change and growth that comes with this time.

5:00 AM - 7:00 AM

Large Intestine

The large intestine is responsible for elimination. It works with the lungs to clean the body of waste, toxins, excess hormones, and even emotional baggage. Energetically, the Large Intestine is linked to letting go and releasing the need to control. Lots of people generally wake up during this time, so if you consider this abnormal for your sleep patterns, consider the Large Intestine as an organ that may lend some further insight to your health. According to TCM, if you are awake, this is the best time for the body to have a bowel movement to avoid IBS, Constipation, Colitis, and other related health issues.

Balanced Emotions: Releasing, Ability to Express Emotions, Crying, Flexibility

Imbalanced: Rigidity, Stubbornness, Controlling, Inability to Let Go.

5:00 AM | Mind | Unconvinced That You Are Deserving

The inability of letting go, may trigger you or convince you that you are undeserving. Whether that be success, love, or wellness, you may feel abandoned or unworthy. Your frame of mind is trapped in a cycle of criticism and unwillingness. The number 5 brings an energy of change, travel, and moving forward.

Change Is Coming, 555, 5:00, 5AM, Spiritual Awakening, Waking up at 5

Being unable to accept some truths may have you stuck in your own path causing you to block your own blessings. Let your guard down, and let this change take you to where you need to go. Have faith, and trust that you were built for this, and the changes happening around you is all for your highest good.

5:00 AM | Spiritual | Your Life is Changing

You are at a point in your life where you are positive, growing, and thriving. This is a pivotal turning point of your spiritual journey where you allow you inner joy to light you up, and you let your food and relationships completely nourish you. This is a time of major transformation.

3 - 5 a.m. is usually a sign of spiritual awakenings. This also presents lots of symptoms physically, mentally, and spiritually because the alignment causes shifts that requires recalibrations and adjustments. These symptoms will cause you to wake up from your sleep at odd hours.

Symptoms may include:

  1. Having intense emotions experiences out of nowhere.

  2. Questioning your abilities and the meaning of things.

  3. Realizing your purpose and self.

  4. Resurfacing of inner-child wounds.

  5. Noticing repetitious lessons.

  6. Brain fogginess or disorientation.

  7. Feeling the need to disconnect or isolate.

  8. Having a sudden urge to get your life together.

  9. Having a sudden urge to get organized or clean your space.

  10. Easily triggered by situations.

  11. Recognizing that you are responsible for you, and your life's wishes.

  12. Disruptive Relationships.

  13. Substance Abuse.

  14. Getting sudden urges to nap or feeling energetically drained during certain hours of the day.

  15. Anxiety, and Depression.

Essentially, trust your intuition. Waking up at odd hours is a universal reminder to take stock of what's happening to you. The time you wake up gives insight to different areas of your life. Likewise, when that pattern stops, take note of when you stopped waking up at these hours. This indicates that some of these issues have healed, or you have spiritually recovered.

Spiritual Meaning of Time

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