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Unlocking the Mysteries of Crystal Healing: 3 Ways How Crystals Work

Crystals grow in clusters or ribbons deep in the earth where ancient waters and underground rivers used to run. Crystals often grow in geodes which are air bubbles often formed in volcanic rocks when hot lava ran over earth and eventually cooled.

Unlocking the Mysteries of Crystal Healing: 3 Ways How Crystals Work

Crystals have been used for centuries, cross-culturally for many different healing and spiritual significance. The Jewish High Priest Aaron, wore a breastplate made up of 12 different Crystal minerals, representing the 12 tribes of Israel, each crystal signifying a different spiritual strength and healing property. Ancient Greek warriors would grind crystals into powders to rub onto themselves prior to battle. The Ancient Egyptians considered gemstones a powerful way to balance the body's energy and used crystals in pharmaceuticals. As you can see, crystals have a history, and isn't new age at all.

In the 1800's French Physicists, Pierre Curie and his brother Jacques Curie, discovered that Crystals are Piezoelectric. This was even further experimented by Nikola Tesla on his quest to create wireless energy, where Crystal Quartz played a pivotal role in his experiments, leading to his discovery that Crystal energy vibrations can be used as medicine to heal the human body. He further stated "if you want to find the secrets of the universe, you must think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration".


The Curie brothers discovered the piezoelectric effect, which refers to mechanical stress being applied on crystal material, resulting in electrical potential appearing across the materials. Therefore, crystals possess a quality known as the piezoelectric effect. If a Crystal receives a physical blow, is rubbed or twisted, it builds up a charge across some of the planes within the Crystal. The opposite is also true, and if a Crystal is placed in an electric field it will bend and flex in a minute way. The more a crystal is used and handled, the more energy it builds.


We, humans, are electromagnetic beings. We are the conductor of our energy, and when we connect to our Prayers, our communication with The Divine, Our Creator, The Most High and Nature, the light nourishes our entire being. We charge, and become electric through this Divine fueling. We are both giving and receiving. The energy flows in through our spirit, and exists through our breath. Our body is made up of charged particles, and when we combine it with another charged particle, like crystals, the two energies now begin forming communication through energy, frequency, and vibration. As a result, crystals become able to receive energy from us, and provide energy through its own atomic structure to us.

Contrary to some believe, this isn't magic, but rather an intentional work of energy exchange. When working with Crystals, it has the ability to heal and charge our body, mind, and soul - the physical, emotional, and spiritual makeup of our reality.


Crystals are made of various substances including minerals, salts, metals, and organic compounds. All of which are important nutrients that are necessary for our body to function properly. Whether absorbed through diet, or nature these minerals can impact the body's organs functions, Qi, and overall health. Many of these minerals are utilized in pharmaceuticals, both topically and internally through digestion. (No don't start eating rocks and crystals)

However, Crystals aren’t miracle physicians nor does it replace medical required attention. But, it can be used in an effort to aid the body in proper function, healing, and well-being by supporting homeostasis of the different minerals, biological compounds, and environmental ecosystems. The way these crystals are used, and utilized is much like everything else in life - It’s a team effort of positive and negative forces creating inner balance.



The ethereal realm is the most fascinating aspect to me that continues to blow my mind. Crystals, again, through its vibrational frequencies can trigger emotional and mental responses. Think of sound, and how sound affects the body, and its abilities to release traumas, or evoke emotions... This is all because of the frequency and vibration in sound pitch that corresponds to your senses. Similarly, the vibration emitted through different crystals corresponds with electrical charges within our molecular makeup creating a similar reaction.

No, this does not mean buying a rose quartz heart now suggests that you love yourself. However, the vibration of rose quartz will ignite the Crown, Heart, and Sacral centers which all support self love. Through this ignition, thoughts and emotions may surface that will require your time, patience, and introspection. The bonding with specific crystal, and effort in energy exchange produces a charge that can evoke positive thoughts and emotional healing. In this charge, and connection with the crystal, a healing an emotional and mental healing opportunity is made available that provides a space of acceptance, accountability, and peace. It's a give and take relationship. 


The spiritual attributes of Crystals are not tickets to heaven and the angelic realm, but rather tools to assist in aligning with your own energetic frequency - the Universe in you. Crystals are charged energy, similar to us humans, they possess an atomic structure that allows them to vibrate at particular frequencies This means these gemstones have the ability to put out and receive energy. The energetic frequency it holds is in direct communication with your own frequency, and will communicate with it as such. Through this awareness, your senses become heightened and prepped for action.

The action is still you. Just because you hold a crystal does not mean, you’re now cloaked and protected and all evils in the world disappear, but what this crystal does support is the ability to communicate with your ethereal, spiritual, and emotional frequency that supports the activations of the remembrance within you to serve in your own protection. What you CHOOSE to do with that information, ultimately determines the impact of these crystals in your personal life. It supports your own spiritual evolution, autonomy, your higher self. Just because you have amethyst in the palm of your hands doesn't mean the center of your forehead - your pineal gland is now lit like some action figure in a movie, instead the frequency of the amethyst compounds vibrates at a frequency that supports Third Eye consciousness (Pineal Gland movement). Crystals can awaken stagnant energies, and support energetic vortexes that live within us all. The galaxies, the records, the life force in each of us.

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