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Understanding Meditative Brain Waves

Updated: Sep 28, 2022

Brainwaves are produced by synchronized electrical pulses formed by masses of neurons communicating with each other. These waves are measured by speed in Hertz (Hz) resulting in a frequency. The different frequencies correspond to different states of thought or experience.

Alpha Beta Theta Delta Gamma Meditative Brain Waves

During meditation the brain experiences electrical activities which are electromagnetic energies that directly impacts the body. Meditation assists in stimulating different parts of the brain which results in overall increased health and wellness.

To understand brainwaves, we must understand the brain, the different parts, and its functions.

The brain is made up of 3 main parts: The Cerebrum, Cerebellum, and Brainstem.

Cerebrum: This is the largest part of the brain composing of the left and right hemisphere. It performs higher functions like interpreting senses (Touch, Sight, Hearing, Smell, and Taste), as well as speech, reasoning, emotions, learning, and control of movements.

Cerebellum: This is located under the cerebrum and its primary function is to coordinate muscle movement, maintain posture, and balance.

Brainstem: The Brainstem is the relay center connecting all 3 main parts of the brain to the spinal cord. The brainstem predominately performs automatic functions like breathing, heart rate, body temperature, wake and sleep cycles, digestion, sneezing, coughing, vomiting, and swallowing.

The Cerebrum, the largest part of the brain, is divided into four lobes: Frontal, Parietal, Occipital, and Temporal. The surface of the Cerebrum is called the Cortex. The cortex has 16 billion neurons

Brain Waves. Brain Lobes, Brain Anatomy

(the cerebellum has 70 billion neurons). Beneath the cortex are long nerve fibers (axons) that connect brain areas to each other. "Brain waves are propagated along the perineural system and blend with this continuous current. The result is a powerful vector of homeostasis. This balancing force is a key element in tissue repair, and probably in all internal recovery processes." - Jean-Pierre Barral, Alain Croibier, in Manual Therapy for the Cranial Nerves, 2009

Frontal Lobe:

  • Personality, behavior, emotions

  • Judgement, planning, problem solving

  • Speech, speaking and writing (Broca's Area)

  • Body Movement (Motor Strip)

  • Intelligence, Concentration, Self Awareness

Parietal Lobe:

  • Interprets language, words

  • Sense of touch, pain, temperature (Sensory Strip)

  • Interprets Signals from vision, hearing, motor, sensory, and memory

  • Spatial and Visual Perception

Occipital Lobe:

  • Interprets Vision (Color, Light, Movement)

Temporal Lobe:

  • Understanding Language (Wernicke's Area)

  • Memory

  • Hearing

  • Sequencing and Organizing

The deep structure of the Cerebrum stores the Hypothalamus, Pituitary Gland, Pineal Gland, Thalamus, Basal Ganglia, and Limbic System (which holds the amygdala).

During meditation, the Frontal lobe, the thalamus (the relay station of almost all information that comes and goes to the cortex), the Parietal lobe, Temporal lobe, occipital lobe, and reticular formation (the brainstem) slow down allowing you to detach, relax, lower stress and anxiety levels bringing forth a sense of calm and peace.

The 5 Different Brainwaves:

BETA (B) Awake Conscious & Reasoning

Hz Frequency: 12 – 38

Keywords: Alertness, Concentration, Problem Solving, Engaging, Cognition

Beta Brain waves are associated with every day normal waking, good sensing alertness. This is important for daily effective functioning. Beta can lead to stress, anxiety, and overthinking.

Beta brain waves are also responsible for creating awareness, concentration, logical and critical thinking activities that occur during an average day. This brain wave is most active during planning, creating goals, or pondering over issues.


  • Fight – Flight Response

  • Increased Concentration and Alertness

  • Improved Logic, Reasoning, Critical Thinking

  • Feelings of Anxiety, Stress, Scattered Unfocused Thought

  • Insomnia

ALPHA (A) Deep Relaxation Brainwaves (Hypnotic, Meditative State)

Hz Frequency: 8 – 12

Keywords: Relaxation, Visualization, Creativity, Reflection, Recharging

In meditation, Alpha waves are predominantly the most common. Alpha waves are most active during deep relaxation, pleasant thoughts, and light meditation. This calms the Nervous System, lowers blood pressure and heart rate, and lowers the production of stress hormones, in turn promotes relaxation.

Alpha Waves are also active when one is engaged in mental or physical automatic daily activities, such as being occupied with routine tasks, gardening, taking a shower, getting dressed, doing light housework, cooking, etc. This state of waves is believed to be the bridge between conscious and subconscious.

While Alpha waves are active, it is an optimal time to reprogram the mind for success. This can be achieved through affirmations, and creative visualization.


  • Absent-minded Awareness and Daydreaming

  • Remember Dreams, and Enter Meditative States

  • Links Conscious and Subconscious Mind, Gateway to Meditation

  • Receptive to casual, auto-suggestions (Hypnosis State)

  • Creative Visualization and Imaginations

  • Memory Retention, Concentration, and Focus

  • Alleviates Stress and Depression

  • Increased Cerebral Blood Flow

  • Increased Motivation, Energy, and overall Happiness.

THETA (Θ) Deeper Meditation, Approaching Sleep (Third Eye, Trance, Twilight State)

Hz Frequency: 3 – 8

Keywords: Meditation, Intuition, Memory, Dreaming, Auto-Pilot, Learning

Theta Waves are most common when you’re in a light sleep, or deep meditative / relaxed state. It is the realm of subconsciousness Theta waves are believed to expand and open the Third Eye Chakra, thus providing a deep spiritual connection with the universe during this state. The minds most deep-rooted programming is filed at Theta, and is where inspiration, insight, clarity, and vivid visualizations are experienced. This is the Mental state where one consciously creates their reality.

Theta waves are also conducive to hypnotic treatments, as it highly receptive to direct suggestions. This is a state where one may experience a trance, which is consciousness to surroundings, while the body remains in a deep meditative state where time is not measured.


  • Deep Relaxation

  • Improved Memory

  • Heightened Intuition

  • Increased Psychic Abilities and Spiritual Connections

  • Speed Healing

  • Restful Sleep

  • Releases Hormones Related to Health and Longevity

  • Reduce Mental Fatigue, Anxiety, and Stress

DELTA (Δ) Deep Sleep

Hz Frequency: .5 – 4

Keywords: Detached, Awareness, Healing, Deep Sleep, Dreamless Sleep

The slowest frequency of waves our brains produce occur when we are in a deep sleep, also known as Delta Waves. Delta increases production and releases anti-aging hormones of Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), Melatonin, and Human Growth Hormones (HGH). DHEA assists in producing testosterone and estrogen which improves mood, fatigue, and well-being. Melatonin assists the body to calm, relax, rest, and sleep. HGH is important for growth, cell regeneration, bone density, skin, and cell reproduction as well as helps build muscle mass, boost metabolism, and burning fat. Deep sleep is essential for the human, it is important for healing as it provides regeneration and restoration. Therefore, lack of sleep is detrimental to one’s overall health and physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Delta Waves also promote deep compassion and empathy. It is the deepest place of healing, and spiritual connection with the subconscious. It is considered to be the gateway to soul and collective unconscious energy, providing access to deep unconscious intuition, and insight otherwise unavailable to the conscious mind. Meditating in Delta State is believed to provide access to Akashic Records, and Soul Contracts. Access to spiritual wisdom improves social intelligence, faith, trust, and quick healing.


  • Healing for the body

  • Stress Relief

  • Deep Relaxation

  • Balance

  • Immunity

  • Creativity

  • Connect to Subconscious Mind

  • Akashic Records

  • Crown and Third Eye Awakening

  • Spiritual Wisdom

  • Celestial Communications

GAMMA (Γ) Insight & Information Processing

Hz Frequency: 38+

Keywords: Insight, Peak Focus, Expanded, Consciousness, Heightened Awareness, Intense Concentration Learning

The highest frequency among all brain waves is associated with high level of thought, bursts of insights, and high-level information processing. This results in being happier, more receptive, and may produce a higher Intelligence Quotient (IQ). This is a frequency where the brain is firing on all cylinders allowing the brain to process large amounts of information in little time.

Gamma waves can achieve the highest concentration levels, which can also promote higher states of awareness, and enhanced brain function during meditation. This wave invites universal love, altruism, and higher virtues. This is a frequency that is immensely helpful for past-life recall, enhanced intuition and intelligence, spiritual awareness, profound spiritual alertness, and time travel. This state is most common among Buddhist monks, Starseeds, and Advanced Lightworkers.


  • Improves Information Processing

  • Higher Level of Intelligence

  • Compassion

  • Full Awareness with the 5 Senses

  • High Levels of Self-Control

  • Gratitude

  • Improves Memory

  • Increases Attention Span

  • Increase Awareness and Mindfulness

  • Overall Brain Health and Function

  • Alzheimer’s Disease

  • Schizophrenia

  • Traumatic Brain Injury

  • Stroke

  • Epilepsy

  • ADHD

  • Mood Disorders

When brainwaves are not balanced, corresponding physical, emotional, or neuro-physical health will become apparent. Tuning Forks and Sound Bowls are a powerful vibrational tool to assist in balancing brainwave frequencies using different notes, and in alignment with spiritual portals like the Sephirot's and Chakras.

Love x Light.

Meditative Brain Waves


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