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The Chakras

Updated: Sep 12, 2023

What is a Chakra, A Beginner's Guide to Chakras

What Is a Chakra?

Chakras, by definition, are energy centers within the human body that help to regulate all its processes. Similarly to the Sefirot's from the Tree of Life, Chakras can be seen as spiritual illumination. When our Chakras are aligned or balanced our physical body, our vessel operates more efficiently. A Chakra center is a core indicator to how connected we are to source. The farther away from source we go, the more unbalanced our Chakras become.

Crown Chakra Sahastrara, 7th Chakra

Crown (Sahastrara)

Expression: I Know

Number: Seven

Element: All

Location: Center - Top of Head

Color: Purple

Attributes: Higher Consciousness, Intuition, Spirituality

Symptoms: Feeling Blocked

Our Crown Chakra is representative of our Higher Self, and our connection to Source. It is a direct communicator with Soul. A blocked or unbalanced Crown Chakra has many indicators, but one specifically is Ego. When the ego overpowers soul, or is unbalanced it is a calling to balance the Crown.

Meaning: Inspiration, Knowing without having to ask, Intuition

Asanas (Poses): Headstand

Oils: Lavender, Jasmine, Cedarwood

Crystals: Amethyst, Lavender, Herkimer Diamond, Clear Quartz

Seed: OHHM

Lesson: Mindfulness

Angel: All Four Archangels. During Chakra Meditation, you can invite the Archangels through your Crown Chakra and ask for permission, communication, assistance and protection. Some people choose to call on Angel Jophiel as well.


Physical: Sensitivity to light, sound, environment

Blocked: Depression, Learning Difficulties, Weak Faith, Anger at the Divine, Brain Fog

Overactive: Dogmatic, Judgmental, Spiritual Addiction, Ungrounded

Balanced: Strong Faith, Universal Love, Intelligent, Aware, Wise, Understanding

Third Eye (Ajna), 6th Chakra

Third Eye (Ajna)

Expression: I See

Number: Six

Element: All

Location: Center of Brow

Color: Indigo

Attributes: Intuition, Clarity, Creativity, Vision

Symptoms: Lack of Drive, Lack of Vision, Inability to see

The Third Eye Chakra in Comparative to the Tree of Life of Kabbalah is like the Sefirot Daat, which essentially is the makeup of the entire upper hemisphere of the Tree Of Life. This includes our Higher Vision, Wisdom, the Associate Mind, Analytical Mind, and Decisive Mind. It allows to tap into our memory of higher knowing, and assists in perception.

Meaning: Thoughts, Inward Focus, Meditation, Self-Awareness, Visualization

Asanas (Poses): Fish Pose, Shoulder Stand, Child's Pose

Oils: Frankincense, Sandalwood, Patchouli, Rosemary

Crystals: Lapis Lazuli, Celestite


Lesson: Faith, See Big Picture

Angel: Uriel is the angel of direction and foresight. During Chakra Meditation you can call Archangel Uriel to assist you in seeing the light, vision, dreams, and Divine order.


Physical : Headaches, blurred vision, sinus issues, eyestrain, seizures, hearing loss, hormone function.

Blocked: Poor judgement, lack of focus, poor imagination, can’t see beyond physical, overly skeptical

Overactive: Nightmares, delusions, hallucinations, obsessive, sees too many spirits

Balanced: Imaginative, intuitive, clear thoughts and visions, sees beyond physical

Throat (Vishuddha), 5th Chakra

Throat (Vishuddha)

Expression: I Speak

Number: Five

Element: Ether

Location: Hollow of Throat

Color: Blue - Turquoise

Attributes: Trust, Communication, Expression

Symptoms: Lack of Expression

The Throat Chakra represents our inner-feelings and communication. The communication is not only a physical ability, but also a spiritual. For Example, anyone can pray, but to have the right words, the right intentions, and the proper comprehension to know what to pray for and how to pray requires a balanced throat Chakra. In a physical form, this will present itself at a time of self-defense or to speak up for yourself and for that which is righteous.

Meaning: Expression, Communication

Asanas (Poses): Shoulder Stand, Lion's Pose, Plow Pose, Fish Pose

Oils: Basil, Cypress, Peppermint, Spearmint

Crystals: Labradorite, Aquamarine, Blue Agate

Seed: HAAM

Lesson: Power of Tongue, Speak Up, Let your voice be heard.

Angel: Michael is the angel of communication and prayer. During Chakra Meditation you can ask Archangel Michael's assistance in helping you find the right words both in communication, and prayer. Archangel Michael is also an Angel of Justice, call on him to assist in keeping you in the vibration of truth.


Physical: Thyroid Issues, sore throat, laryngitis, TMJ, ear infections, ulcers, facial problems, neck and shoulder pain.

Blocked: Can’t express self or speak out, misunderstood, secretive, not a good listener, timid

Overactive: Overly opinionated, loud, overly critical, gossipy, yells or talks over others, harsh words

Balanced: Confident expression, clear communicator, creative, diplomatic, good listener

Heart (Anahata), 4th Chakra

Heart (Anahata)

Expression: I Love

Number: Fourth

Element: Air

Location: Center of Chest

Color: Green

Attributes: Love, Devotion, Trust, Compassion

Symptoms: Lack of Self Love, Loneliness, Lack of Trust

Just like its name, the Heart Chakra controls our hearts, our emotions, and our deepest desires. This is similarly comparative with the Sefirot Chesed from the Tree of Life. It's a giving energy because it is an energy of unconditional love. This Chakra primary focus on how we give and we receive love, and how we connect to things in our everyday life, where we find beauty, appreciation and comfort.

Meaning: Love, Trust, Compassion

Asanas (Poses): Bow Pose, Camel Pose

Oils: Bergamot, Jasmine, Geranium, Cypress

Crystals: Aventurine, Green Jade, Emerald, Malachite, Rose Quartz, Green Fluorite

Seed: YAAM

Lesson: I love

Angel: Raphael is the angel of healing and protection. During Chakra Meditation you can call on Archangel Raphael and ask for protection of your heart, heal your heart, and allow you to remain in an open heart space safely giving and receiving unconditional love.


Physical: Asthma, heart disease, lung disease, issues with breasts, lymphatic system, upper back and shoulder problems, arm and wrist pain.

Blocked: Lack of empathy, bitter, trust issues, fear of loneliness, over-loving, abandonment, anger

Overactive: Jealous, codependent, self-sacrificing, gives too much

Balanced: Peaceful, loving, compassionate, tolerant, warm, open, connected, empathetic

Solar Plexus (Manipura), 3rd Chakra

Solar Plexus (Manipura)

Expression: I Can

Number: Third

Element: Fire

Location: Center of Diaphragm

Color: Yellow

Attributes: Personal Power, Inner Growth

Symptoms: Pressure

Solar Plexus is our source of personal power, both from a physical and spiritual perspective. This Chakra governs our ability to be in control of our lives. This can be applied both in a spiritual form where you stand in your sovereignty and walk in your soul path journey, to a physical form where you are individually in your power by recognizing your abilities, strengths, and weaknesses.

Meaning: City of Gems

Asanas (Poses): Boat Pose, Seated Spinal Twist, Lion Pose, Bow Pose

Oils: Cedarwood, Lavender, Rosemary, Lemon, Clary Sage

Crystals: Sulfur, Pyrite

Seed: RAAM

Lesson: Self-Acceptance

Angel: Gavriel is the angel of strength and courage. During Chakra Meditation you can call on Archangel Gavriel for strength, and courage to remain in your power and remain in sovereignty.


Physical: Digestive problems, liver dysfunction, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, diabetes, stomach ulcers, pancreas and gallbladder issues, colon disease.

Blocked: Low self-esteem, feeling powerless, inferiority complex, fear of rejection, criticism

Overactive: Power hungry, domineering, perfectionist, overly critical

Balanced: Confident, courageous, drive, good self-esteem

Sacral (Swadhisthana), 2nd Chakra

Sacral (Swadhisthana)

Expression: I Feel

Number: Two

Element: Water

Location: Below Navel

Color: Orange

Attributes: Creativity, Joy, Enthusiasm, Social

Symptoms: Pelvic Pain, Cramps, Lower Back Pain, Hip Pain

The Sacral Chakra represents our creative expression, and sexual and emotional energies. It is our soul's natural will to create and produce. A blocked Sacral Chakra will prevent us from experiencing joy, and embrace our own creativity which will prevent us from expressing our creative selves spiritually, mentally, and physically.

Meaning: Passion, Sex, Water Movement

Asanas (Poses): Warrior II, Goddess Pose, Pigeon Pose

Oils: Sandalwood, Orange, Ylang-Ylang, Rose

Crystals: Citrine, Amber, Carnelian

Seed: VAAM

Lesson: Honor others

Angel: Raphael is also an archangel to call on when we seek joy. During Chakra Meditation you can call on Archangel Raphael to assist you in finding joy within yourself, and your surroundings. Help you remain open to creativity, healing, and laughter.


Physical: Sexual and reproductive issues, urinary problems, kidney dysfunctions, hip, pelvic, and low back pain.

Blocked: Low libido, fear of intimacy, lack of desire to create, inability to express emotions, fear of betrayal, intimacy, impotence, and addictions.

Overactive: Over-emotional, possible sex addiction, co-dependency, manipulative

Balanced: Passion, creativity, healthy libido, optimistic, open

Root (Muladhara), 1st Chakra

Root (Muladhara)

Expression: I Have / I am

Number: One

Element: Earth

Location: Base of Spine

Color: Red

Attributes: Security, Stability, Survival, Grounding

Symptoms: Inability to Ground yourself, Feeling Lost, Disoriented

The Root Chakra is our foundation. This is symbolic of our basic needs of self-preservation. This Chakra continuously seeks out stability, safety, and security. From a spiritual and physical space remaining grounded is essential. It is important to notice, an unbalanced root Chakra can return an unhealthy ego if it continues to focus primarily on its physical needs and the I.

Meaning: The Root of All Things

Asanas (Poses): Lotus, Child's Pose, Triangle Pose, Garland Pose

Oils: Patchouli, Frankincense, Cedarwood

Crystals: Rubies, Garnet,

Seed: LAAM

Lesson: Self-Preservation, You have a right to be here.

Angel: Michael, Gavriel, Uriel, and Raphael. During Chakra Meditation, you begin by inviting all four archangels, and you end with all four Archangels. Michael is the Archangel that governs the East, while Archangel Gavriel governs the West, Archangel Raphael the South, and Archangel Uriel the North. In this stage of your meditation, you want to ask the Archangels for protection in all four directions bringing harmony, balance, and grounding to your entire vessel connecting your spirit with all four elements, all four direction, and all four archangels.


Physical: Problems in the legs, feet, rectum, tailbone, immune system, male reproductive parts, prostate gland, degenerative arthritis, knee pain, sciatica, eating disorders, constipation, bone aches

Blocked: Fearful, anxious, financial instability, ungrounded, money, shelter, inability to provide

Overactive: Greedy, lust for power, aggressive, materialistic

Balanced: Safe, secure, centered, grounded

Learning The Chakras


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