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How to Use Your Crystals

Updated: Jul 16, 2022

How to Use Your Crystals

Connecting to your crystals is a personal and spiritual journey. Some prefer to look at crystals and simply be surrounded by them, while others meditate, heal, and carry them for protection.

There's no right or wrong way of connecting with your crystals. As long as you respect the crystal as a creation then you've already connected with it. It is often said, a crystal chooses its owner, so if you're drawn to a crystal or purchased a crystal, the connection has been established.

How To Meditate with Crystals


To get the most out of your crystals during meditation, hold your crystals on its dominant side. For Example, if a crystal is predominantly Masculine, hold it in your right hand, or place it to the right of your body. Likewise, if a crystal is predominantly Feminine, hold it in your left hand, or place it to the left of your body.

Crystals of Ether energy correspond with the crown chakra which represents holiness. Crystals of this energy can be held or placed in any position during meditation.

How To Heal With Crystals


Healing with crystals can be achieved through many different practices. Healers may recommend carrying a crystal, holding a crystal, sleeping with a crystal, being surrounded by a crystal, or practicing healing methods through performed rituals.

Crystals have associations. For Example, Energy, Zodiac, Element, and Chakra among many others.

Crystals are often used to heal blocked Chakras. In an instance, where the third eye Chakra is blocked, one may place amethyst on the third eye Chakra to enlighten and restore balance to the Third Eye Chakra. This method is repeated throughout all other Chakras. If you feel like you lack motivation, or creativity you can place Orange Calcite on your Sacral Chakra to restore balance and spark creativity. To learn more about Chakras, stay tuned for a future blog post.

How to Align with Your Crystals

Bonding and Blessing

It's important to respect a crystal. Crystals are believed to carry energy. As a carrier a crystal can absorb new energy and release old energy. Keep in mind, this energy can be positive or negative. You want to make sure that crystal is in alignment with you and your intentions.

It is a common practice to ask your crystal for permission to be used. Bare with me, I know this sounds silly, but when I explain further you'll see that the request is a form of respect.

Crystals are living energies. You want to make sure its boundaries are respected and in alignment. To achieve permission, touch or hold your crystal, think of your intentions, and see how the crystal responds to you. Pay attention to your senses - how does it make you feel? Where are you feeling it? Does it feel good to you? What thoughts is it triggering? Pay close attention.

If the crystal gives you a natural flow, sometimes, your body will literally start to move in a certain vibration, or move from side to side, you'll feel the flow and that indicates that the crystal has bonded. When this happens you know that the crystal is aligning with you, and preparing to be used.

Above all, remember, this journey is a personal one. Do whatever feels natural to you.

How to Use Crystals


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