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How to Use a Crystal Pendulum

Updated: Jul 16, 2022

Crystal Pendulums are great for healing, and spiritual guidance. However, to use a pendulum you must first be able to communicate with a pendulum.

The very first step to using a pendulum is to establish the baseline of the way your pendulum will be communicating with you. It is important to always use your intuition when working with healing energy, but for the sake of establishing your connection with your pendulum, program and bond with it.

Step 1: Cleanse your Pendulum

Before bonding, programing, or using a pendulum it is vital that you cleanse it to remove any remanence of energies that may be attached to it. In most instances, Pendulums are made up of quartz, either natural or polished. To Cleanse your Pendulum simply run it under water for at least 5 minutes, or however long you feel guided to. You can also choose to smudge your Pendulum, and to do so, simply twirl your Pendulum in Sacred Smoke, for at least 5 minutes or however long you feel guided to.

Step 2: Establish a Baseline

In use of spiritual guidance, pendulums are often a tool used to receive a yes or no answer. But how do you know if it is yes or no? There's no one way of working with a Pendulum, this is a personal and intuitive experience, therefore it is important that you, the user, connect with your Pendulum on your frequency. Here's how you establish a baseline in spiritual Guidance.

  • Hold your Pendulum in your dominant hand.

  • Ask Kindly "Please show me a Yes movement". Watch and observe the response. The pendulum may go clockwise, counter-clockwise, forward or backward, right or left. Pay close attention to its speed and just take note. Let your intuition guide you.

  • Ask Kindly "Please show me a No movement". Watch and observe the response. Pay close attention to its speed and just take note. Let your intuition guide you.

Step 3: Ask Your Question

Hover the Pendulum over a thing, person, or question, and proceed with asking your question. Use this practice daily (for beginners) to help you improve your bond and connect with your pendulum spiritually and energetically.

Step 4: Let It Be

If there's no movement at all, I generally take that as a no, or not now. It is important to maintain energetic respect, and that is to not force an outcome. Use your intuition.


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