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How To Charge Your Crystals

Updated: Jul 16, 2022

How to Charge Your Crystals

Charging your crystals is slightly different than cleansing your crystals. While cleansing releases the crystal of any negative energies and restores it to its natural state, charging restores its power and infuses it with natural energy returning it to its natural vibrational state. Think of it as a refueling. Charging your crystals will infuse your crystals with the energy of the element by which it is charged.

Crystal Charging and Cleansing

Charged By Air

Element: Air | The Mind | Mental Healing

Place your crystals on a larger cluster, either a selenite slab, clear quartz cluster or an Agate Geode for charging and let the natural transfer of energy take its course.

Moon Charged Crystals

Charged By The Moon

Element: Water | The Soul | Emotional Healing

Moonlight charging is especially helpful to those crystals that aid in emotional healing. It is common practice to cleanse your crystals prior to Moon Charging to ensure that the influence is clean since the moon can clear, recharge, and redirect energetic frequencies. Simply place your crystals on your windowsill or hold it under moonlight to absorb the energy of the moon.

Sun Charged Crystals

Charged By The Sun

Element: Fire | The Spirit | Courage and Drive

The sun being the powerful light that it is can both cleanse and charge your crystals at the same time. Place your crystals directly under sunlight for a maximum of 30 minutes. Be mindful that sunlight can sometimes change the color of your crystals.

Earth Charged Crystals

Charged By Earth

Element: Earth | The Body | Grounding

Earth being the stable ground that She is will infuse your crystals with strength and stability. Simply dig a hole in the ground, and bury your crystals in Earth's embrace. You can also bury your crystals in the soil of a plant in your home. Leave your crystals buried for at least 24 Hours.

Crystal Charging


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