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Getting Intimate with the Sacral Chakra

The concept of chakras comes from ancient Indian spiritual traditions and refers to seven energy centers located along the spine. Each chakra correlates to different physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of our being. Balancing and activating these energy centers can promote physical and emotional well-being.

The Rose of the Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra, also known as Svadhisthana is the second Chakra located 2 inches below the navel. This Chakra is the central hubstation of all emotions, which is why I like to refer to this Chakra Center as my secret lover. As a kindred spirit of the aqueous zodiac signs, the Sacral is especially dear to me as it is governed by the Water element, embodying a sanctuary of emotional stability and comfort.

Whispers of ancient wisdom suggest that the heart chakra is the home of emotions. Yet, it is the Sacral that holds the key to the heart's yearnings, storing and giving shape to the emotional tides felt by the heart. In essence, the heart watches, learns, and reflects the ebbs and flows of the gut's intuitive wisdom.

Deep within the Sacral lies the Shadow's lair, and the key to your Inner Child. Trauma leads us to reconstruct our emotional expression for fear of safety, causing us to feel insecure with our feelings and emotions hindering us from expressing our deepest desires or need for vulnerability - a natural facet of human existence.

Sacral Chakra Associations

Feminine Energy | Water Element | Scorpio, Pisces, Sagittarius | Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Pluto

The Sacral is governed by Scorpio, Pisces, and Sagittarius alongside the planetary supporters of Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Pluto, a powerful combination of Transformative Rulers. Scorpio and Pluto assist the Sacral with transforming and releasing emotions, alchemizing the emotional body. While Pisces, and Sagittarius ignite the hidden wisdom of this powerful feminine vortex to spiritual ascension, alchemizing the spiritual and mental body. While Venus brings the assitance of Fixed Taurus energy to aid in the nourishment and self care, alchemizing the physical body.

The color of this Chakra is Orange, the bridge between the Red Root and Yellow Solar Plexus. Orange, a vibrant hue that stimulates several vital organs and systems such as the lungs, kidneys, respiratory system, and digestive system. In using orange, we can learn to understand what the “gut reaction” tells us about our physical situations. . In the nature, orange is connected to the Sun, specifically at sunset, and is linked to confidence and fearless light, bringing joy, healing, and guidance to the shadowy terrain of inner child and emotional healing through the sacral.

The sense of taste and the Sacral chakra are intimately connected through their association with the element of water and their ability to bring pleasure and balance to our lives. Taste is closely linked to our emotions and pleasure centers in the brain. When we eat something delicious, it can bring us great joy and satisfaction, and this pleasure is often associated with our emotions and feelings. Our taste buds are able to detect different flavors and textures in food and drink thanks to the presence of water in our saliva, which helps to dissolve and transport these substances to our taste receptors.

Additionally, many foods and beverages that are associated with the Sacral chakra are often sweet or salty in taste. Sweet foods like fruit, honey, and chocolate can stimulate our pleasure centers and evoke feelings of joy and happiness, while salty foods like sea salt and seaweed can help to balance the body's fluid levels and promote feelings of groundedness and stability.

417hz is a frequency that is said to help balance and heal the sacral chakra. This frequency is believed to have a cleansing and purifying effect that can help release negative energy and emotions that may be blocking the sacral chakra. By listening to music or sound therapy that incorporates 417hz, it is possible to activate the sacral chakra and promote emotional balance, creativity, and a sense of well-being.

The Balanced Sacral

The Sacral Chakra is the second chakra located in the lower abdomen. It is known as the center of creativity, sensuality, and pleasure. When this chakra is balanced, it can have a significant impact not only on the physical body but also on the mind, emotions, and spirit.

Ways an Active Sacral Chakra Expresses itself

Healthy Vulnerability: A balanced Sacral Chakra allows us to be open to vulnerability with healthy boundaries. This means that we can express our emotions and feelings without fear of judgment or rejection.

Joyful and Inspired: A balanced Sacral Chakra uplifts our mood and inspires us to pursue our passions. We can find joy in simple things and appreciate the beauty around us.

Creative and Expressive: The Sacral Chakra is associated with creativity and self-expression. When this chakra is balanced, we can tap into our inner creativity and express ourselves through art, music, writing, or any other form of creative expression.

Vitality and Passion: A balanced Sacral Chakra gives us a sense of vitality and passion for life. We feel motivated and energized to pursue our goals and dreams, and we have the stamina to see them through.

Healthy Libido Movement and Flow: The Sacral Chakra is also connected to our sexual energy and libido. When this chakra is balanced, we experience healthy sexual desire and pleasure.

Healthy Eating Habits and Hydration: A balanced Sacral Chakra encourages us to take care of our physical body by eating healthy foods and staying hydrated.

Passionate and Driven: A balanced Sacral Chakra aligns us with our life's purpose, and we become passionate and driven towards achieving our goals.

Aligned with Life's Purpose: A balanced Sacral Chakra helps us to connect with our true purpose in life. We feel aligned with our values and goals, and we have a clear sense of direction.

Faith and Surrender: A balanced Sacral Chakra strengthens our faith in ourselves and the universe. We trust that everything will work out for the best and surrender to the flow of life.

Trusting Your Gut: A balanced Sacral Chakra allows us to trust our intuition and make decisions based on our inner guidance. We can trust our gut and make choices that align with our authentic self.

The Unbalanced Sacral

When the Sacral Chakra is blocked, it can have widespread effects on our mind, body, and spirit.

Symptoms of a blocked Sacral Chakra

In terms of the mind and emotions, a blocked Sacral Chakra can lead to a lack of trust, fear of intimacy, feeling guarded or detached, and a fear of vulnerability. To the physical body, a blocked Sacral Chakra can manifest as kidney Qi deficiency, bladder issues, low libido, hip/pelvic pain, and other related problems. Finally, a blocked Sacral Chakra can affect our spiritual well-being, leading to a lack of drive or passion, feeling disconnected from our life’s purpose, and an inability to surrender to the flow of life. by recognizing the symptoms of a blocked sacral chakra, one can unlock the gates of healing and seize the opportunity to inner alchemy.

Reclaiming the Sacral Chakra

When the Sacral Chakra is out of balance, a range of issues may arise, including emotional instability, insecurity, and a lack of creativity. However, there are several effective ways to restore balance to this important energy center.

Ways to Balance the Sacral Chakra

Using positive affirmations that begin with "I feel" is a highly effective way to heal the Sacral Chakra. By repeating affirmations like "I feel creative," "I feel confident," "I feel safe," and "I feel passionate," we can reprogram our minds and shift our energy towards positive emotions.

Staying hydrated and spending time near water is also an essential aspect of healing the Sacral Chakra. Whether it's drinking water throughout the day, taking a relaxing bath or shower, or spending time near natural bodies of water like lakes or oceans, water can cleanse and purify our energy. Plus, it's a powerful symbol of emotion.

Incorporating Kundalini movements or yoga into our daily routine can also be beneficial in balancing the Sacral Chakra. These practices stimulate energy flow throughout the body and help release blockages in the chakra. By adopting these practices, we can heal the Sacral Chakra and live a more harmonious and fulfilling life.

When we prioritize the health and harmony of our sacral chakra, we open ourselves up to a greater sense of unity with both ourselves and those around us. This can lead to a more enriching and satisfying life, filled with greater joy and fulfillment.

Crystals for the Sacral

Crystals are another excellent way to help balance and support the Chakras. The good news is that there are several crystals that can help to balance the Sacral Chakra, including Kundalini Citrine, Carnelian, Larimar, Honey Calcite, Pink Botswana Agate, Orange Calcite, and Topaz.

Kundalini Citrine is a powerful crystal that helps to activate the Kundalini energy that lies dormant at the base of the spine. This energy can then rise up through the chakras, including the Sacral Chakra, helping to balance and energize it.

Carnelian is another crystal that is associated with the Sacral Chakra, and it is said to help stimulate creativity and passion. It is also believed to help balance the emotions, making it an excellent crystal for those who struggle with mood swings or emotional instability.

Larimar is a beautiful blue crystal that is said to help calm the emotions and promote a sense of peace and tranquility. It is also associated with the element of water, which is connected to the Sacral Chakra.

Honey Calcite is another crystal that is said to be beneficial for the Sacral Chakra, as it is believed to help boost self-confidence and creativity. It is also said to help balance the emotions and promote a sense of inner peace.

Pink Botswana Agate is a lovely pink and grey banded crystal that is associated with the Sacral Chakra. It is believed to help promote a sense of emotional balance and stability, and it is also said to be beneficial for those who struggle with self-esteem issues.

Orange Calcite is another crystal that is associated with the Sacral Chakra, and it is said to help boost creativity, increase energy levels, and promote feelings of joy and happiness.

Topaz is a beautiful crystal that is associated with the Sacral Chakra. It is believed to help stimulate creativity and increase feelings of self-worth and confidence. It is also said to help balance the emotions and promote a sense of inner peace and harmony.

In conclusion, there are several crystals that can help to balance and energize the Sacral Chakra. Whether you choose Kundalini Citrine, Carnelian, Larimar, Honey Calcite, Pink Botswana Agate, Orange Calcite, Topaz, or a combination of several, incorporating these crystals into your daily routine can help you feel more passionate, creative, and connected with your purpose.

Dive into the Roles of The Sacral Chakra

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