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Best Crystals for the New Moon

Best Crystal Bundle to align with the new moon energy. Moss Agate, Citrine, Topaz, Selenite, Tourmaline

The new moon phase is the first phase when the moon is not visible from Earth because it is directly between us and the sun. The new moon is symbolic of opportunity, growth, a fresh start, and new beginnings. Many people engage in setting Intentions, meditating, and manifesting their desires during the new moon phase. Whether you follow a specific spiritual path or simply appreciate the symbolism of the new moon, tapping into its energy can bring a sense of calm, renewal, cleanliness, and rejuvenation to your life.

Doubling the new moon energy with the energy of crystals can support the manifestation process by amplifying your intentions and providing energetic support. Some crystals that are especially helpful during this time are citrine or topaz for manifesting, black tourmaline for protection, and selenite or clear quartz for cleansing and purifying. By incorporating these crystals into your new moon ritual, you can enhance your intentions and manifest your desires with greater ease and clarity.



The very first step to any project is to create a mainframe, a container that holds, supports, and protects the mission, goal, or whatever it is you’re trying to create. This same concept is applied in spiritual works and creations. Think of it as the blueprint, the overall energy or mechanics that will support the development of your manifestation. When we manifest or set intentions we want it to be pure, cleansed and charged. Likewise, we want our intentional desires to be amplified into physical manifestation, all the while protected to be received and enjoyed for the highest good of all.

The Best crystals for the New Moon crystals makes up a combination that aligns with the overall new moon energy. The following crystals serve as an excellent mainframe to the New Moon; Selenite, Clear Quartz, Black Tourmaline and Black Moonstone.



The next step is to create an activator. In manifestation specifics are the recipe of the game. You want to be as specific as possible. So if your desire is to manifest abundance, you want to activate the solar plexus and root. If you desire to manifest spiritual abundance and creativity you will place focus on the crown and sacral. Likewise, if your desire is to receive answers, your focus will be on activating the third eye and throat. And, if you wish to manifest love and joy you focus on activating your heart chakra, and so on. The goal is to align with your intentions as much as possible, therefore to activate the points that serve your intentions in the highest order.

Consider your desire, be limitless, then focus on the Chakra that aligns with your desire.

Activate the Chakras with crystals during the New Moon Phase


The final step in building your crystal bundle for the New Moon is to bring in the crystals in support of your intentions. Essentially create your environment, the frequency, and the alignment to manifest your desire. It helps to map, grid, or place these crystal in an open space to help the energy emanate releasing its vibrations all around in your space.

As mentioned earlier the New Moon is a phase that symbolizes new beginnings, growth and opportunity. It signifies a fresh start. The underlying energy of the New Moon is Introspective Manifestation. In this case, to match the Moon's energy, I suggest to invite Citrine or Topaz, along with Moss Agate into your bundle. Citrine and Topaz are powerful manifesting crystals that support abundance, prosperity, courage, energy, luck, and creativity. Topaz is known to be the ultimate manifesting crystal supporting overall generosity both in physical and spiritual wealth. On the other hand, Moss Agate is associated with creating, new beginnings, building, balance, and growth. Again, aligning with the New Moon's energy of supporting manifesting growth.

Finally, add any crystals that you align with your desire. For instance, if your intentions for the New Moon is to manifest self love, you can add Rhodochrosite, and Mangano Calcite. If you're looking to heal your heart you can add Rose Quartz, and Green Fluorite or Green Tourmaline with Pink Tourmaline. If your desire for this new moon is to manifest abundance, you can add Pyrite, Green Jade, Carnelian, Tiger's Eye, or Lapis Lazuli. To manifest spiritual guidance and growth you can add Lemurian Quartz, Lodolite Quartz, White Calcite, Apophyllite, or Amethyst. The goal is to find the crystal that aligns with your manifestation at its core, be very specific. You can add as many crystals you feel guided to add.

Your New Moon Kit/Bundle formula will look like this...

The Best Crystals for the New Moon
Crystals for the New Moon

So It Is.

Hello Empress, an awakening of the empress within


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