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2002 Explained

Updated: Jul 16, 2022

2002, 20:02 Meaning

In order to fully comprehend the meaning of any number you have to first see through the meanings of the separate numbers that make up the whole number. 2002 breaks down to 0, 2, 20, 200, and 4. Some characteristic that amplifies the meaning of these numbers is the fact that they are duplicated, and mirrored.

The number Zero symbolizes eternity, spirituality, everything and nothing, life and death, Past and future. This number usually presents itself in a time where your soul is experiencing a rebirth, or is receiving unknown secrets assisting the soul to higher ascension. Zero also represents purity in a spiritual state.

The number two in 2002 symbolizes cooperation, protection, life force, duality. You can see this in the way it mirrors itself. In 2002 there’s 20, and 200. 20 represents humility, submission, surrender, transformation this is also related to the Crown Chakra. 200 represents death, repentance, and ascension. In the Hebrew Alphabet, Kaf - כ, the eleventh alphabet is equal to 20, and Resh - ר the Twentieth Alphabet is equal to 200. If you look at the letters side by side you will notice how Kaf Completes the Resh indicating that with continued work one continues to ascend to the Master and embraces flow and sovereignty.

Essentially what this means is that you’re already on your path. You’ve already chosen your mission, and this is the path you’re meant to travel. This symbolizes continued faith, rest assured, you’re very much protected through this journey, and your guardian angels are assisting you and supporting you.

The last number is 4, which symbolizes balance, worlds, elements, directions, home, love. This also represents elevation from 200. The Hebrew Alphabet Dalet - ד, indicates the door, a path, uplifting. If you look at the letter Resh and Dalet you will recognize many similarities. 2002 tells you this is the path that will bring you back home spiritually. This is the path you have chosen to travel, and this is the path that will uplift you.

Mirror numbers are very powerful number because it indicates that everything you experience, do, or receive is being mirrored through all dimension, in all four worlds. Be very mindful of your actions, and thoughts for you are the author of your story. Angels are there to assist you, guide you, love you, and support you, but ultimately your actions determine your will. Maintain your faith and trust, and high expectations, you are clearing the way for miracles.

You’re coming home, Empress.

Angel Numbers Meaning

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